Champe students celebrating winter spirit week

Champe’s class of 2026 posts on instagram what every spirit day event will be. Each spirit day would have a different topic.

     John Champe’s SCA will be hosting a winter spirit week and winter pep rally, which will include competitive games that teachers and students will compete in, silly costumes, and holiday music.

     Spirit week was held from December 12th through 16th. Due to a snow day on December 15th the winter pep rally was canceled and has now been moved to January 26th. SCA was originally going to have 2 pep rallies, one was for the winter spirit week and the other to showcase our winter varsity sport teams. Since the winter spirit week pep rally got canceled, SCA is combining the two pep rallies to be just one long pep rally.

     “The games at the pep rally we’re going to have a snowball fight, ornament dash, and a student teacher tik tok dance challenge,” SCA President Alexis Walker said. “We are also going to have some school organizations do performances and do a display of all our winter varsity sports.”

     For each game there will be about 7 to 8 students per grade on a team that will compete against the other grades. Each event has a different theme of activities you would do in the winter, like snowball fights, decorate ornaments, listen to holiday music and dance along. The snowball fight is like a game of dodgeball, the ornament bash is like when you break an ornament, and the tik tok challenge is where students teach the teachers fun tik tok dances.

     “The event I’m most excited to see is the snowball fight,” sophomore Kate Davis said, “because I think it will be the most exciting to watch.”

     The spirit day topics were zoom meeting day, ugly sweater day, jolly day/class theme day, family photo day, and ice age day. Due to the snow day the family photo day was missed out on. For jolly day/class theme day, each grade is a different holiday tradition. The freshmen are holiday music, sophomores are holiday traditions, juniors are holiday foods, and seniors are holiday movies. 

     “I think zoom meeting day will be the most fun,” Davis said, “I think a lot of students will participate in that the most.”

     Planning for spirit day events can be very stressful, because it takes a lot of planning, creativity, and teamwork skills. In SCA everyone has to agree on ideas and pick out spirit ideas they think the whole school would enjoy. Having good teamwork skills, being good at collaboration, creativity, and time management skills are some of the best skills to have. 

Champe SCA decorate the hallways with different Christmas themes. This hallway was decorated with a gingerbread man and its house representing making gingerbread houses.
Sophomores Sydney Perez and Kyra Tellmen are showing their school spirit and dressing up for zoom meeting day. The students were supposed to wear business attire on top and casual clothes on the bottom.

     “It is very difficult to plan spirit weeks,” SCA member Mya Townes said, “because everyone has to agree and we all have so many ideas we want to do and it makes it difficult to narrow it down.”

     Being in SCA can also be super fun because you have school spirit and have pride in your school and want to make school events enjoyable for everyone.

     “Being in SCA is so much fun,” Townes said, “I would have to say my favorite part about being in SCA is planning for all the events.”

     Asking students what ideas they have for spirit days could help increase the number of students who participate in dressing up and make the distribution of spirit points more balanced.


“The only feedback we’ve received was the way we distribute spirit points,” Walker said, “so that it’s fairly counted all of the SCA members will be the ones to distribute the points.”