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The Round Table Review

The Student News Site of John Champe High School

The Round Table Review

The Round Table Review

Athulya Pujala

Athulya Pujala

Athulya Pujala is a sophomore at John Champe High school. She has joined the newspaper staff due to her love for writing, and hopes she can spread the love of writing to everyone at Champe through newspaper. Athulya grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but moved here later on. She enjoys playing violin in her free time and at school, and likes to interview people during class. Athulya is member of the Mock Trial club. She wants to make a difference by changing something about this school for the better. 


She describes herself as ambitious, determined, and kind. She says she gets those qualities from her parents, and that they are her biggest role models in her life. A fun fact about her family is that she has a 10 year age gap between her and her sister! Her favorite memory is when her baby sister was born. Athulya is very family oriented! Her personal goal throughout life is to become a lawyer and make history. “People tend to overthink life, but that’s not the way to live.” This quote is something Athulya uses in her everyday life, and it inspires her to continue to achieve her goals.


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Athulya Pujala