As the 2025-2026 school year is quickly coming to an end, students in the class of 2026 should start scheduling their vaccinations for their senior year. The following vaccinations are required for rising 12th graders: one dose of Meningococcal Vaccine, MenACWY (MenQuadfi, Menveo), given at age 16 or older. Once each student is vaccinated, they have to provide the school with the appropriate documentation. John Champe posts links to help guide parents and students through this process so that they are vccinated and ready when the school year starts. The listed medication is specific and other forms such as Men B, Bexsero and Trumenba will not be counted as a substitution. Vaccinations are required by Virginia law and they help keep all of us safe.
“I am glad that we have a school system that looks out for us in these ways to avoid accidents and health problems in their students,” junior Natalie Alcancia said. “If this law wasn’t put in place I know many students would not be vaccinated and can be prone to disease.”