Champe had the annual homecoming dance on Sept. 28, 2024, giving students an opportunity to step out in style and celebrate with their classmates while immersed in a “Magical Knight”.
Our student council association (SCA) worked tirelessly putting together an amazing spirit week, interactive pep rally, and an even better homecoming dance. With spirit days that included tacky tourists, favorite toys, dream jobs, Disney sub-themes and class colors, students were showing out and embracing the themes everyday.
“Spirit week was a lot of fun,” freshman Madeline Gainer said. “I did try to dress up every day but some of the themes were hard to execute.”
Following a successful spirit week and pep rally where the seniors won the coveted spirit shield. We had our homecoming football game against Heritage High School with the theme of “gold out” to honor childhood cancer awareness, and in support of current Knight Jake Moskowitz -#7 on the Varsity Football Team.
“The pep rally was very enjoyable and I cheered on the side lines which was nice because I was able to watch all the games up close,” Gainer said. “The game that night was also fun but cheering on the side line with the crowd was a little scary but I was excited to cheer with all of my friends.”
After the lively pep rally and homecoming football game, students turned their attention to the dance on saturday. The dance is often a very exciting night for students and brings all the excitement.
“My friends and I were all really excited for homecoming as it was our first time attending,” freshman Kyra Gordon said. “We spent a lot of time scheduling stuff and planning for homecoming day.”
Every student prepares for homecoming in different ways. However, for many students the day is filled with participating in the usual homecoming activities like taking pictures at the popular spots like Morven Park or local golf clubs, going to dinner with friends, and going to the dance.
“My friends and I all got ready together and made flower bouquets,” Gordon said. “We also took pictures, got dinner, and we ended the night with a sleepover.”
With the Disney based theme for this year’s homecoming dance, SCA went all out with their decorations transforming our school to embody the “Magical Knight” they were going for.
“SCA seemed to put in a lot of effort when it came to getting the school ready for homecoming,” anonymous Champe senior said. “I think they did a decent job considering how much they were able to get done with such a small group of people.”
Some choose not to go to the homecoming dance and spend time with their friends in their own way, but those who do seem to have thoroughly enjoyed their time and made some unforgettable memories.
“I really enjoyed the dance and getting to experience it for the first time with my friends,” Gordon said. “There were multiple games we could play along with a place to watch movies, and then there was also the actual dancing room.”
Overall homecoming week and the homecoming dance is an enjoyable experience for all, it gives students a chance to celebrate with their friends and take pride in their school spirit.we can’t wait to see what next year’s homecoming will bring!
“The whole week overall was really solid and my friends and I had a great time together,” anonymous Champe senior said.