The Science Olympiad returns for yet another year of new challenges and opportunities for students interested in STEM and science. To kick off their club, recent meetings have been focused on discussing general information as well as describing what each type of category and competition holds. The current categories consist of build, trial events, physical science, life science, earth science, and more. Structured in a way to help students pursue their passion in specific areas, tournaments present the perfect path to victory.
This year, Science Olympiad welcomes a new leadership team as well as a new president, Ronit Sheth. The team, determined to improve their club, dedicates hours upon hours of their time every week to ensure success during the first competition. “I wanna have at least one of our teams place in the top five for their individual sections during states,” Sheth said. “Maybe even see someone going nationally and beating other schools.” As the year progresses, Science Olympiad will undoubtedly achieve greater success than ever before.