On October 17th, 2024, the Spanish National Honor Society (SNHS) hosted “Noche Latina”, an event filled with free music, food, crafts, and more. The SNHS hosts this celebration every year to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which takes place nationally from September 15th to October 15th. This “Latin Night” took place after school from 5 to 6:30 PM. Dozens of students showed up to the much-anticipated event, and the traditional Spanish food that was prepared was in high demand.
“Noche Latina is made to represent Hispanic Heritage,” Spanish teacher Tatiana Peredo said. “We want to gather all the students and help them get more in contact with the culture.”

Students were given a “passport” at the start of the event and were able to collect stamps on the passport at different stations which could be turned in for a reward. Additionally, students could enter a raffle to win prizes at the end of the event. Games such as “Ponerle la cola al burro”, or “Pin the tail on the donkey”, were popular among the students. Like last year, the SNHS had a hand painting station where students could leave an imprint of their hand on a large piece of construction paper. This banner was later stuck outside the lunchroom as a memory of the Hispanic celebration.