The first club advisory of the school year was held last Friday, October 11, and will be held again next Friday. This implementation of two club advisories a month is a change from the just one a month that was in place previously. Club advisories are integrated into the school day schedule so they do not require club members to arrive early or leave school late. This can lead the clubs to have more involvement, as all Champe students are in school and can choose any club they are interested in to attend their meeting. Most students seem to be in favor of this schedule change, as it allows for more collaboration and time to dedicate to their extracurriculars.
Club participants feel more engaged, and club leaders can plan meetings following the club advisory dates ahead of time. Girls Who Code club president Ally Schwarz hosts club meetings during these advisories, “I think this new schedule is great because we do more in club advisories than we do in regular advisories,” Schwarz said. “So I feel like it is a better way to spend the time for everybody.”
Engagement and involvement in extracurriculars, specifically clubs, will likely increase as a result of this schedule change.