The Round Table Review

The Student News Site of John Champe High School

The Round Table Review

The Round Table Review

    The beginning of Virtual Loudoun

    Sasha Vieri
    The type of courses that are available at Virtual Loudoun.

    Virtual Loudoun is an online program that gives Loudoun County students the ability to complete courses over the summer or during the school year. Although a recommended pacing guide is given, it is a completely self-paced curriculum which allows students to submit work whenever they prefer. Courses are taught by qualified instructors using the Schoology learning management system. Students are able to email or call teachers if any help is needed over the course of the term. Over 140 hours of work time is needed to complete a one credit course.  


    As regular classrooms are being replaced by virtual learning opportunities, students and teachers have adapted and at times prefer the online learning environment. Teachers work to create an engaging and detailed virtual curriculum to help students complete the course. Students spend their time completing assignments to receive their credits. Additionally, the online class teaches time management and work ethic. “ Virtual Loudoun is a lot of work,” sophomore Sandy Ryad said. “At the beginning of the course on Monday, I now spend at least two hours everyday on my math course.” 


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    About the Contributor
    Sasha Vieri
    Sasha Vieri, Writer
    Sasha is a 15 year old sophomore writer for the John Champe newspaper. She chose to do Newspaper because she did Journalism last year and she enjoys writing. She’s a swimmer for the Champe team and is very passionate about it.  She enjoys spending time with her family and friends because she feels she’s her truest self around them. Her favorite genre of music is Pop, as she’s a die-hard Taylor Swift fan. She enjoys her hobbies but plans on taking some time to learn  more about climate change. This is because she’s interested in science and people’s health, which is why she wants to become a surgeon. 

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