The Round Table Review

The Student News Site of John Champe High School

The Round Table Review

The Round Table Review

    USA Beats Pakistan in Cricket T20

    Photo Courtesy of NDTV Sports

    The USA cricket team played against Pakistan on June 6, 2024, at the Florida International Cricket Stadium in the World T20 match. Fans from both countries gathered to watch this match. There was a lot of support from both sides, creating a competitive atmosphere. The USA won by just five runs in a close super over. They proved they were able to compete with the top-tier teams. The match showcased cricket’s growing popularity within the United States, highlighting their improvement in the field of international cricket.


    “It’s surprising that the U.S. team won since the Pakistan team is well known team who has won so many ICC championships,” junior Vidushi Saravanan said. “I think this is definitely a milestone for the U.S. team.”


    Team USA continues to train as they have officially earned their place as a top-tier cricket team.

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    About the Contributor
    Srikar Akunuri
    Srikar Akunuri, Editor
    Srikar is a junior here at school and is an editor for the newspaper staff. Srikar decided to join newspaper because he wanted to try something new for a change because he has always enjoyed writing essays and wanted to take his writing to the next level which is newspaper. His favorite thing about newspapers is how everyone talks and keeps a close connection with each other. In newspaper we all have to collaborate and work together which is something he enjoys because not many other classes do partner or group work. After high school, he plans to go to college and study finance or economics.  He loves to play sports and be active. At school he is on the cross country team and he also loves to play football, soccer, basketball, and tennis in his free time. His favorite subject in school right now is math because he enjoys it and has a good understanding of it. 

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