On June 14th, 2024, students here in Loudoun County will be done with the 2023-24 school year, with the exception of high school seniors who have different end dates than the rest of the students in the county. After another year filled with assignments and exams, many students are looking forward to the end of the school year. As students finish up their final projects for the year, many are shifting their focus to their summer plans. While everyone will have different summer plans, all the students are looking towards the summer break, some students will be vacationing, working, relaxing, or going to summer camps, all enjoying their well deserved break.
“I feel very happy about the end of the school year coming up,” Loudoun County student Kyra Gordon said. “I’m really excited for summer and to be a high school student.”
“This summer I am looking forward to going to Europe,” Gordon said. “I’m also looking forward to going to a summer intensive for dance.”