Last night, April 30th, Champe Softball held their senior night during their game against Loudoun County. Although they ended up losing 8-3, the girls team still held up a great fight and made it a fun night for their seniors. There were six seniors in total, four players and two managers, that took the field for their walkout before the game. The seniors included Ella Dawson #14, Sierra Price #4, Natalee Aikens #13, Devin Yi #1, and managers Izzie Rogstad and Kacy Baumgart.
“My favorite part about softball Senior night was when Vic, a junior, gave a speech to each of the seniors about how much love the team has for each other,” manager Izzie Rogstad said. “This season has been so amazing so far and my favorite moments include being in the dugout during games. We are always doing our different chants and screaming our lungs out.”
The softball team goes all out when it comes to senior night. This year, the underclassman gave the seniors shirts, sashes, crowns, snacks, drinks, custom made bracelets, poster boards, and much more even including a display case that contained the seniors jersey’s in it. Since the managers don’t get jersey’s, they received large fans that will be very helpful when they get to college.
“Although the whole season is filled with so many fun things, there is still more to come like the potluck which I am always excited for,” Rogstad said. “I just love the energy the girls bring and the softball team is truly special to my heart, I couldn’t have asked for a better senior night experience.”