On February 2, 2024, the Apple Vision Pro was released, and it’s already making waves in many aspects of technology. The Apple Vision Pro is an enhanced Virtual Reality headset that has innovative features such as the lack of hand-based controllers and spatial audio in VR. The main idea of this product is to innovate on a product that has historically been difficult to work with. VR’s lack of intuitiveness has been a barrier for entry. However, with the introduction of handless control to the public, a whole new pathway of interacting with VR has emerged. The realistic environments paired with the newfangled accessibility creates a combination that will be very useful for educators. One possible application of this technology for Champe students would be a virtual rendering of biological phenomena to show students an in-depth version of what they are learning. This is extremely important for Champe students because with the use of Virtual Reality, Champe could introduce new resources to their students.
“I think that this technology is really exciting,” sophomore Peter Kitula said, “but the technology is very primitive. When the technology gets better, we should definitely use Apple Vision Pros for the school.”