The Round Table Review

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The Round Table Review

The Round Table Review

Champe Students Manage Their Time

Avni Vyas and Mansi Kharche work on their Bio projects in study hall and study in advance for their upcoming tests.
Aaukruthi Ganesh
Avni Vyas and Mansi Kharche work on their Bio projects in study hall and study in advance for their upcoming tests.

          Figuring out how to manage school life with homework and assignments, along with extracurriculars like sports and clubs, and working outside of school can be hard to do all at once. 

          Students at Champe acknowledge that finding a work-and- school balance is challenging, but there are many ways to get around this issue. They use different methods to help them balance out their lives in a manner that allows them to get their work done and enjoy time outside of school. 

           “Last year, I used to struggle with making sure I was able to turn in my assignments on time which really made my grades drop,” sophomore Maryam Boubacar said. “This year I’ve really been trying my best to make sure my outside commitments don’t come in the way of school.”

          Many students at Champe are resourceful and have been using their technology for the better. Students usually  get the reputation that their phones are always used as a distraction. This year though, students are using apps to remind them to get all their work in on time.

          “I need to make sure I can find time in my schedule to do my assignments,” junior Aaditiya Jaganathan said. “I put reminders on my phone and make sure I have everything I need to do written down. This usually makes sure I don’t miss anything.”

          Good communication between students and staff helps with the workload as well. Most teachers, if not all, are understanding and make sure to work with students who have a lot they already need to do. 

          “My chemistry teacher, Ms. Ryan, gives me extensions when I need them to get my work turned in on time,” Boubacar said. “This helps me work around my cheerleading practice and shifts at Cox Farms.”

          Recognizing that some classes are harder than others is very important to make sure students can plan around that. Students without many outside commitments struggle to keep up in some classes but those with other responsibilities seem to usually have more on their plate. 

          “I get back from Field Hockey practice and games really late and noticed that getting my Intro to AP work done was a lot harder,” freshman Hemani Mair said. “I usually have to stay up late doing my readings and I don’t get that much sleep.”

          It seems evident that students usually need to put more effort into AP/ honors classes. In support of this Jaganathan also feels occasionally overwhelmed with the work in AP Chemistry. 

          “I know that I need to put in extra effort for some of my harder classes like AP Chem,” Jaganathan said. “Memorizing formulas takes up a lot of my free time after school.” 

          Though keeping up with all the school work and managing their time is stressful as well as confusing at times, students who work a job, play a sport, and keep up with school work, do recommend that their peers attempt to engage in other things outside of school as well. They understand the pressure of these outside commitments but also acknowledge that they help build character. 

        “Keeping up with all of my schoolwork and other occupations is definitely difficult,”  Boubacar said,  “but in the end, it is fun and makes sure I don’t have a day where I just have to sit at home bored. I always have something to do and I honestly don’t think I would like it any other way.”

Sree Bethanabhotla’s Google calendar which she used to organize her assignments and plan her days out after school.


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