The Round Table Review

The Student News Site of John Champe High School

The Round Table Review

The Round Table Review

Inclusion of New Staff at Champe

Bella DeVecchis
English teacher Corinne Miller.

          Eight new teachers have been hired on the staff this year. These teachers consist of three English teachers, four Special Education teachers and one English Language Learner teacher. Students and staff welcome the new teachers to our community.

          The new teachers are thrilled to start at Champe, but no matter whether it’s a new staff member or a new student, starting at a new place is always nerve wracking.

          “Even after years of assistant teaching, being treated so nicely by everyone here really meant a lot,” EL teacher Travis Smith said. “It’s never easy being new and I couldn’t ask for a better experience.”

          The whole staff really impressed these new teachers with how inclusive and welcoming our environment is. English teacher Corinne Miller mentioned that without the inclusivity of the staff, they would not have been as comfortable switching to a new job. 

          “I feel right at home already, especially with my department, the English department,” Miller said. “They’ve been really supportive overall and the kids have been great too. I have no complaints and the overall process could not have been smoother.”

           One specific thing at Champe that really stood out to the new teachers was the school spirit. They were mesmerized by how involved our school is with dressing up and our competitive spirits. 

          “I like all the student activities. How Champe does lots of different things with Homecoming week,” CTE teacher Stacy Plowman said. “There are also competitions every week and I like all the student involvement; it’s very homey.”

          Miller also agrees and likes how spirited Champe students and staff are during spirit days and weeks. This shows truly how much the Champe community appreciates being spirited and the amount of participation that goes on during spirit weeks. With our amount of school spirit, it shows other schools and new students and staff how much love is spread around Champe.

        “The spirit days and the students and staff participation has been so fun to see,” Miller said. “Even this week overall with homecoming has just been awesome.”

         While the staff’s positive attitude and our uplifting spirit is already so welcoming, it is clear that the students also make quite a big impact on the teachers. 

         “I get to work with the EL kids, so I get to hear stories about how they got here and stuff like that,” Smith said. “I’ve got some cool pictures that the kids drew me, and their drawings of my favorite show, so it shows the compassion students have.”

          Champe’s welcoming atmosphere allows new teachers and students to feel comfortable. Whether we show our compassion through spirit days, being kind, or gift giving, the new teachers are glad to be a part of the Champe community. 

         “The staff and the principles have been very understanding and supportive and helpful. The students have been really good, they are a good group of kids,” Plowman said. “I’m glad to be a part of the staff at Champe and teach some really great kids important things they’ll remember for the rest of their lives.”

English Language Learner teacher Travis Smith.

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About the Contributor
Bella DeVecchis
Bella DeVecchis is a sophomore at John Champe High school who started her journey into newspaper after her interest sparked to be a writer in her freshman year of journalism. Bella is joining the newspaper as a writer, hoping to pursue a higher position in the future. Bella eventually wants to work in the mental health field, to help others.  Born in Virginia, Bella has lived here for the entirety of her life. Growing up, Bella showed her interest in playing volleyball as well, and continues to play volleyball competitively for her school. She also strives to be independent and successful  in whatever she does, which comes from her rode model, her mother. An interesting fact about Bella is that she wants to adopt a pet chameleon and name it Pascal like in the movie Tangled.

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