The advent of OpenAI, ChatGPT, and Dall-E have helped many at John Champe visualize their ideas for their assignments properly throughout the past year. However, as with any invention, some people use the innovation for purposes that aren’t necessarily positive. The release of OpenAI to the public has resulted in a long-term increase in cheating by students. Before, students would have to find a source of cheating from the internet and work on the assignment with that source. However, now, ChatGPT has made cheating on open-ended assignments easier than ever. Just by asking ChatGPT to write an essay with an assignment’s requirements, it’ll give students measured and academic responses. This has resulted in an increase in students simply submitting ChatGPT’s work. The teachers have retaliated against this, with their zero-tolerance policy on the use of AI for assignments, but students are continually finding new ways to cheat with this AI.
“I think it’s a very interesting concept, cheating with AI that is,” sophomore Avaneesh Aitha said, “because even when the teachers find ways to counter it, some students would rather put in more effort into cheating than actually doing the assignment.”