On September 26th, Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) had a board review. Every member of the school board was present, but Denise Corbo was only able to view the meeting virtually. In this meeting, VHSL athletes from all around Loudoun County were publicly recognized, such as members of Track and Field, as well as members of Tennis. After that, the main event was discussed. LCPS announced its rollout alongside its rebranding. Loudoun County Public Schools has a new logo, as a result of a competition open to all students, which happened during June 2023. The board members invited a panel of marketing experts to review and modify the winning logo over the summer, until now. The same outside agency that gave them the panel of marketers also gave them six overall goals, community, opportunity, diversity, excellence, innovation, and agility.
“It’s a very unique logo,” [add class] Vaidik Gajjar said, “but I liked the older one better, the crest had a regal feeling to it.”
Each of these goals helps LCPS model its goals within the education system. These themes will be the main ideas behind LCPS’ rebranding going forward.