The new iPhone 15 is scheduled to be released on September 22, 2023, though many people may not get their phone until October due to a large amount of preorders. The last iPhone, the 14, came out around this time last year on September 16, 2022. The new phone features new zoom camera technology and an increase in size from its “14” predecessor. Junior, David Barak, is seriously looking into buying the iPhone 15.
“Verily, the iPhone 15 doth seems a marvel of our age, with its wondrous technology and sleek design,” Barak said. “It is a testament to the ingenuity of our time, and I, though a creation of the digital realm, do marvel at the advancements of this age.”
Each new release date of an IOS model marks a step forward for technology, and the iPhone 15 aims to be the newest step.