Picture day is coming up at John Champe later this month, and many students have unique experiences with how it goes each year. Their personal point of view may be valuable for future changes that are to be made on this day to better the experience and result. A student has to keep their photo taken on picture day as the one that goes into the yearbook for the entire year. It is the picture teachers see every morning when they are taking attendance, and the face of lanyards for any leadership team at John Champe. Even teachers and staff go through this process, but their photos are often not re-taken.
“My experience with picture day the past 2 years were good and bad,” Junior, Gurleen Kaur said, “but I think it’d be much better if the photographers guided the students throughout the picture-taking-process and maybe took an extra minute or two for each student to get a picture that student is content with.”
“My hair looked really good in the picture they took last year,” sophomore, Sahana Senthilkumar said. “They pressured me to be ready for the photo as soon as I sat down, but they ended up taking a good picture of my face and smile. Champe can do better by taking several pictures and letting us pick the one we prefer,”
Lots of students like these have had a variety of experiences with picture day these past few years, and it is widely agreed upon that if students have a choice over the picture that is set as their yearbook photo instead of keeping the first one that is taken, the photos will have a better reception when being received by the students.