Emergency Response Drill

Emergency Response Drill

Tomorrow during 5th block there will be an ERP (emergency response plan) drill. This drill prepares students for a gas leak, safety threat, or other incident that causes students to evacuate the building. Schools are required to do two evacuation drills a year. This drill will take up the majority of the block and will involve students exiting their class and making there way up to the stadium. Students will remain at the stadium until cleared by admin to go back inside.

“Overall, I like the ERP drill,” junior Ethan Dufresne said. “I feel like it’s extremely beneficial if there were to be a real emergency.”

Pay attention to the drill because you never know when you may need to use this in the future.

Photos: Saratoga Springs High School evacuation drill shuts down Congress Avenue – Saratogian

Photo courtesy of https://www.saratogian.com/2011/04/12/photos-saratoga-springs-high-school-evacuation-drill-shuts-down-congress-avenue/