Dream’s Face Reveal

Photo Courtesy of people.com

The insanely popular YouTuber, Dream, spent the entirety of his career behind a mask. He gained fame through his “let’s play” and speedrun videos, accumulating close to 30 million followers. He has shocked the internet recently, finally showing his real face on a video posted Sunday night, October 2nd. The video already has up to 22 million views. While most fans had an enthusiastic response, some felt disappointed.

“He is definitely not what I thought he would look like,” junior Sriya Vempati said. “Honestly, I feel like the drama surrounding this is very overhyped.”

Despite the mixed responses to the face reveal, this has been an essential development for Dream and his content. Being a YouTuber with this popularity scale already allocates a considerable amount of strain with the safety of a mask, but without a mask, it will be more hectic. Dream removing his mask will certainly change his way of making videos, and fans just have to get used to it.